It´s like a pleasant breeze that pushes the woodworking technology business. This is the feeling generated by the analysis of figures from the survey by Acimall´s Studies office for the fourth quarter 2016.
The trend of orders is really significant and – as we wait for the deployment and effects of the Italian government’s Industry 4.0 plan – it shows that the woodworking technology industry is continuing its progressive recovery.
There is also a new element compared to previous surveys, namely the trust of interviewed entrepreneurs, at an all-time high both for the domestic market and for export. The coming months might certainly bring some economic and political uncertainty from essential countries for the mechanical industry, first of all the United States and the United Kingdom, not to mention the enduring instability of strategic regions for the Italian and global economy, namely Russia and Brazil.
Let@¬#s take a look at the survey carried out by Acimall analysts, based on a statistic sample representing the entire industry. The most apparent trend is the further growth of orders by 13.6 percent compared to the final quarter in 2015. Orders from abroad have increased significantly, up by 14.8 percent. Good results also for the Italian market, where orders in Q4 2016 increased by 2.9 percent, a moderate result due to a widespread waiting attitude for the new Stability Act (public finance law) by the Italian government and a very favorable trend of domestic orders in the fourth quarter 2015. The survey also revealed that the orders book spans three months and that, since the beginning of 2016, prices have increased by 1.3 percent.
The quality survey for the period October-December 2016 indicates that 35 percent of the sample expects a positive trend of production is the next months, while 65 percent see a stationary situation. Employment is considered stationary by 71 percent of the sample, increasing by 24 percent and decreasing by 5 percent. Available stocks are stationary according to 59 percent, increasing according to 6 percent and falling according to the remaining 35 percent.
The forecast survey suggests how things will develop in the short term: as already mentioned, industry operators are showing great optimism about 2017, whereby this year might prove to be essential also for medium and long-term trends. 35 percent of interviewees predict an increase of foreign orders, while 65 percent expect substantial stability (balance: plus 35). On the domestic side, another step forward is expected by 47 percent of business owners, while 53 percent voted for stability (balance plus 47).
* For further information: www.acimall.com