There exists a refined equilibrium that enables a delicate elegance to be expressed even when volumes are significantly large. And this is the equilibrium which gave birth to the concept underpinning the company’s offering. The name itself reveals a clear stylistic intent. Kuadra, by Key Cucine, is a homage to essential and irreducible forms that become the primary elements of the project. Indeed, the kitchen is constructed of square geometric elements that form the doors of the great central island, over 4.5 metres long. And the wood selected to cover the doors is Smoked Eucalyptus, warm and dark in tone with extremely elegant cathedral grain reminiscent of silk.
Besides, the work top, like the wall niche, is lined with striking Collemandina Marble, a natural stone from Garfagnana with a characteristic grey colour softened by tinges of antique rose pink and strongly marked pale veining. And the work surface is equipped with integrated gas burners for greater purity of line. The sink, also in marble, is a large basin that reinterprets the classic farmhouse sink in refined modern form.
A corner wall
To frame the central block of Kuadra, Key Cucine designed an imposing corner wall whose long side has full height aluminium doors, over 2.5 meters tall, with a delicate soft touch lacquered surface that recalls the grey nuances of the kitchen module. Light and stable, thanks to the durability of the material, these act as both decorative elements and sliding doors that enclose niches and shelving. On the short side, Kuadra is completed by a boiserie panel lacquered like the brushed brass doors and shelves. The kitchen embodies the design philosophy developed by Key Cucine over the years: the company has chosen the path of a constant search for new materials which are then combined in original ways to generate a striking and memorable charm.
*For further information: www.keysbabo.com