16.09.2020 For the third consecutive year, Biesse Group is among the winners of the Deloitte Best Managed Companies award. This initiative to support and reward Italian companies that are excellent in terms of organisational capacity, strategy, and performance is in its third year.
Deloitte rated the companies based on six pillars. They are: Strategy, Skills and Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Commitment and Culture, Governance and Performance Measurement, and Internationalisation.
Congratulations to Biesse Group for this important award, said Ernesto Lanzillo, Private Leader for Italy, Greece and Malta, and Andrea Restelli, Deloitte Partner and BMC manager. The companies receiving awards in this third edition have demonstrated excellence, great ability, and resilience in dealing with the crisis caused by the continuing Covid-19 pandemic. We took longer than expected to evaluate the candidates to allow us to look in greater depth at how the candidates had handled the emergency. This edition’s fifty-nine Best Managed Companies therefore reflect an Italy made up of excellence. And it, by leveraging its strengths and through careful management, is successfully overcoming an unprecedented period of uncertainty.
The awards
There are fifty-nine Deloitte Best Managed Companies (BMCs). That is, companies receiving this award as part of the Deloitte initiative. It is supported by ALTIS Università Cattolica, ELITE – the London Stock Exchange Group‘s programme that supports the development and growth of high potential companies – and Confindustria.
The winners were picked, at the end of a scrupulous evaluation process, by an independent jury of experts from the Italian institutional, academic and business worlds. For example, Professor Lorenzo Ornaghi, Honorary President of the Graduate School of Economics and International Relations (ASERI) and university lecturer. He is also former Rector of the Catholic University and former Italian government minister. Too, Maurizio Costa, Director of major Italian groups with consolidated managerial experience. And Francesca Brunori, Director of the Credit and Finance Area of Confindustria.
*For further information: www.biessegroup.com