17.10.2019 Over 3.000 visitors were recorded as having attended the 2019 edition of Inside Biesse 2019, one of the main points of reference in the second half of the year in terms of events for the sector dedicated to machining wood and technological materials.
Inside Biesse 2019, an event planned down to the smallest detail, is a very important moment for us, and the great influx of visitors rewards our daily efforts and our continuous focus on the customer, said Federico Broccoli, Wood Division/Sales Director and Subsidiaries Division Director. This was a very successful edition, with the number of registered orders exceeding our expectations and a pool of visitors that stood out both in terms of quantity and quality, Broccoli said in closing.
The 5,000 square m of innovation at the Biesse Campus welcomed visitors from Italy and from Continental Europe, especially from Russia, France, and the Iberian Peninsula. Compared to the previous edition, the number of visitors from Italy has increased, while the reliable influx from abroad is a continued demonstration of interest in the technology Biesse offers and in the competence exhibited by the staff as they serve our customers.
Our guests experienced a 360° dive into technology, with visits to the manufacturing facilities on Campus, in-depth information about the digital factory for large industries and small businesses, workshops on 3D printing and a seminar on social media management for B2B.
*For further information: www.biessegroup.com