Lapitec announced the launch of a collaboration project with the Verona Academy of Fine Arts and Ferrara University faculty of architecture. The brand has been awarded too with the GreenGuard certification.
The Italian company, which manufactures large size slabs in full body sintered stone, has launched a series of projects dedicated to exploring innovative applications of the material. This was the background to the idea of bringing in the Verona Academy of Fine Arts and the Ferrara University faculty of architecture in an ideas competition.
Specifically, under the guidance of professor Francesco Benedetti, an expert in industrial design, the first-year students of the Verona Academy of Fine Arts developed a project using Lapitec in two different application areas: kitchen spaces and urban furniture. The students were asked to thoroughly evaluate the correct use of the material and the possibility of combining it with other accessories.
A different process was requested of the University of Ferrara second-year Faculty of Architecture students, who were introduced to the most important and representative materials in the sector and the most appropriate processing techniques and technologies. Once they had completed this preparatory research stage, they were then asked to devise creative uses for one or more materials. The result was three projects using Lapitec in three different contexts: kitchen spaces, urban furniture and partition walls.
In the words of Lapitec marketing manager Gino Sartor The aim of the initiative was to introduce the upcoming generations, meaning the architects of tomorrow, to the potential of this new product. We@¬#re investing heavily in promoting the qualities of full body sintered stone and the response from professionals, architects and designers has been extremely positive so we are continuing on the path of innovation, developing new ideas and unique solutions in the area of finishes, colours and applications.
GreenGuard certification
The full-body sintered stone obtains an important international certification awarded by UL environment. The institute@¬#s mission is to protect human health, improving indoor air by reducing people’s exposure to chemicals.
The numerous severe tests on samples of sintered stone have proved that Lapitec® is a material that does not emit pollutants, can be used in sustainable building projects and can be accepted by worldwide building regulations.
The GreenGuard certification, comments Michele Ballarin, Lapitec’s Director of Sales and Marketing, is a further step in the development path of our full-body sintered stone. It is a recognition that testifies the material’s excellence and will be an important driver, above all in the countries where there are very strict standards for environmental sustainability for the products used in building and furnishing.
* For further information: www.lapitec.com