The Cosentino Group has announced the jury´s verdict of the 7th edition of the international competition for students Cosentino Design Challenge, in its two categories: architecture and design.
Cosentino Design Challenge, a competition for design, architecture, interior architecture students or similar areas of knowledge anywhere in the world, aims to foster the talent of students, promoting research into the different conceptual approaches to the layout of spaces, materials and the construction systems that define them, using materials made by Cosentino Group.
This year’s competition has surpassed previous years’ data in terms of the number of projects received and the wide variety of nationalities of participants. The architecture category has received a total of 178 applications and 87 projects were presented for the design category, all of them from countries in Europe, America and Australia.
Likewise, the number of schools and universities that have participated in the competition has been a resounding success. A total of twelve prestigious institutions, schools and international universities have actively participated in Cosentino Design Challenge 2013: American Society of Interior Designers (United States); University of Technology Sydney (Australia), Design Academy Eindhoven (Netherlands), Istituto Europeo di Design Milano and Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano (Italy); Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (Germany); and Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, Escuela de Arte número 10 de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla, Escuela de Arte de Almería and Escuela de Arte Superior de Diseño de Alicante (Spain).
The winners of the Architecture competition (awarded € 1,000 each), who had to design an outdoor kitchen from an innovative conceptual approach and mainly using Cosentino materials were:
* “DINNER AT THE STARS” from Cristina Terán Sanjuán (ETSAM – Madrid).
* “THE REINVENTION OF THE BARBACUE BENCH” from Matthew Sikora (University of Technology Sydney).
“LAS EXPERIENCIAS” from Alejandro Guijarro Sosa (ETSAM – Madrid) and “SCAEXTRIC” from Beatriz Mellado Fernández (ETSAG – Granada). (Prize shared between both projects).
Cosentino Design Challenge Architecture Acknowledgements:
* “URBAN KITCHEN BY COSENTINO” from Ignacio Javier Palenzuela Hernández (Escuela de Arte de Almeria)
* “GREEN KITCHEN” from Karen Schröter (HTWK School of Architecture Leipzig University)
* “enMARcocina” from Álvaro Rafael Contreras Sánchez (Escuela de Arte de Almeria)
The winners of the Design prize (awarded € 1,000 each), who had to reflect on “Cosentino and the office“, presenting a proposal completely open to interpretation and falling under this theme and which featured Cosentino materials adapted for this purpose, were:
* “SIN NOMBRE (nn19)” from Zuzana Zathurecka (ETSAM-Madrid)
* “SYMBOL” from Javier Gutiérrez Asensio (Escuela de Arte Superior de Diseño de Alicante)
* “E-GLU” from Pedro Pablo de la Barra (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Cosentino Design Challenge: Design Acknowledgement:
* “COLORÍN COLORADO” from Paula Pascual López (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
* “HIPÉRBOLA” from Manuel Palacios García (Escuela de Arte número 10 de Madrid)
* “STONO PHONIC” from Vivienne Van Den Dungen (Design Academy Eindhoven)
Special mentions in the Design category:
* “LIGHTSCAPE” from Frederik Deschuytter (Design Academy Eindhoven)
* “MONTATOFICINA” from Silvia Martínez Arranz (Escuela Arte número 10 de Madrid)
The competition’s verdict took place yesterday 19 June in the Cosentino Barcelona Center. The jury was composed of representatives from some schools and universities that have collaborated in the competition: Hilde Den Bieman from the Dutch Design Academy Eindhoven, William Feuerman from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, Anthusa Löffler from the German School of Architecture HTWK Leipzig, Matthew DeGeeter from the US association ASID, Isabel Plaza from Escuela de Arte número 10 de Madrid (Spain) , Raúl Fraga and Ricardo Santonja from Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid (Spain), Jorge Roa from Escuela de Arquitectura de Sevilla (Spain), Antonio Castilla from Escuela de Arte de Almería (Spain), Jorge Marín from Escuela de Arte de Almería (Spain) and Lucía Ferrater and Joan Casals from Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (Spain).
Likewise, the architect from Barcelona Félix Arranz and the architect from Valencia Ramón Esteve from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia were also invited to take part in this jury. Santiago Alfonso, Director of Communication and Marketing represented the Cosentino Group.
* For further information: www.cosentinodesignchallenge.org