Metropolis magazine, one of the most reputable publications in the United States, recognized Cosentino Group as the company with the most innovative products at KBIS 2013.
Cosentino Group participated with its new colors, textures and products at KBIS 2013, the largest exhibition of the industry of the kitchen and the bathroom in the United States, which was held in New Orleans between 19 and 21 April.
Metropolis magazine, one of the most reputable headers United States, recognized the Innovative proposals of Cosentino Group as the most innovative products at KBIS 2013. Metropolis is a magazine specializing in architecture, interior design and lifestyle, with a clear focus on sustainability, and has a circulation of about 100,000 copies each issue.
Cosentino Group shown its revolutionary Suede matte texture that conveys a touch perception only for its beauty and elegance. Thanks to its extraordinary features, Suede is a finish that is not necessary to apply any product to enhance its hue. The Spanish company has also stated for the U.S. market, the four new colors that make up the range of ECO, recycled surface.
* For further information: www.cosentinogroup.net